
SaniGuard is used in the disinfection and sanitisation of any surface. It is exceptionally efficient against viruses such as coronavirus (COVID-19), bacteria such as Salmonella, moulds, yeasts, mycoplasma, and algae.

SaniGuard is broadly used in a variety of markets, this including hospitals, clinics, shopping centres, offices, educational institutions, governmental buildings, hotels, restaurants, residential homes, vehicles, aircraft and also in industries such as poultry, dairy, cattle, packing houses, wineries, and many other sectors where area decontamination is a necessity.

SaniGuard contains a novel compound synthesis with low environmental impact. It is non-corrosive and doesn’t oxidise. The concentrate has very low toxicity, and it is non-toxic at suggested rates. It isn’t pH-dependant and works at a broad range of temperatures.

SaniGuard is part of SaniSystem and represents a unique proposition to area decontamination. It has promoted the art of disinfection into a new era.