
SaniChick is a patented product that has been specially developed by SaniChem for Aspergillus fumigatus control in hatcheries and other sectors of the poultry industry.

SaniChick is part of an efficient and straightforward system that provides comprehensive control of the application process, with the highest safety for the applicator. The system includes SaniFog machine and SaniFlush.

SaniFog is an electrically operated thermal fog machine, which transforms SaniChick into a very dense fog that floats throughout the space, reaching all areas, and remaining hanging in the air for extended periods, thus offering a superior Aspergillus fumigatus kill rate in the atmosphere. SaniFog has a timed operation, where precise amounts of SaniChick get to be introduced into the location with the correct dosage for the size of the area to be covered, minimizing the chemical waste and maximizing efficacy.